Tuesday, October 30, 2007

Monday YMCA

I got there and started running the drills from the West Point Clinic. Unfortunately for me there was a new person at the club so I didnt get to do the drills instead since the instructor was not there yet I taught OsotoGari.

I ran the drills for about 35 mins or so.. people were getting tired.. not everyone was getting it but there is a learning curve. At about 830 the instructor shows up.. says hes not getting on the mat gave a bunch of instructions and then left.

We had to do static uchikomi for a while.. i just walked around and helped out.

Then we fought.. I'm not making any excuses for anything but I just wasnt into it and was just going through the motions except for a bit when I was really trying to get sumi gaeshi with a right hand power grip (right hand over the back left hand left lapel) that was fun.

I fought Jeff he armlocked me.. nice flying armlock.

Everyone one else was just kinda blah.. I just wasnt into it... dont know.. I was just kinda upset that the instructor came in seemed upset we were doing drills and then tried to give a mandate about not doing drills until after the promotional.. so ok his club go for it. ill have everyone doing static uchikomi.

Im not gonna.. I'm not testing.. I don't need that I'm gonna pick the partner I need and do moving drills over and over while they do static uchikomi. I love helping out and teaching its basically the only reason I go to the Y but I need to improve not just watch Judo. If I just wanted to watch Judo I would stay home and go on YouTube.

So tonight I really didn't get anything done.. oh well.. I really hope some of the students liked it especially the competitors and I hope it gives them some ideas about what training should be like.

Tonight is PMJC.. THANK GOODNESS!!!!!! I know Ill get a real good one in tonight.. I need it.

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