Wednesday, October 10, 2007

Monday YMCA

Monday YMCA

Ok first workout after the tournament and first workout after tim officialy takes his 1 year break. SUX

Anyway it was a decent turnout 2 kids 2 brown belts myself a BJJ instructor and a few white belts. With the instructor showing up about 830 or so

Jenn Ran the warmup. Then we started just with open practice and uchikomi. I figured I would just give people a chance to work on anything they wanted and I wanted to make sure I had time to work with mike and jeff.

Mainly talked with mike. He was doing Osoto and there isnt much to correct. He was a bit bummed about his losses at the tournament but is still motivated which is great.

Then I worked with Jeff. Mainly went over gripping with him. Just some basics and a few theories on controlling. Jeff is a fighter already so I really just want to introduce a few things and see what he takes too. But I explained you have to start with grips. Then we went into Seonage. He has this.. jsut needs to work it. Showed it from sleeve and lapel.

Randori.. ok this is a bit late so just some things i remembered.

I went straight through and fought Jeff, Tomic, Brandon and Dana... might have been more but i forget.

Jeff is doing good and forces me to stay tight on my transitions. He had good posture gripping and movement and caught me with one pretty cool sacrifice. Brandon fought good and got me with an ankle pick.
Dana is fighting good too just needs to turn in a bit more on some throws.

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