Monday, November 26, 2007

Quick Recap

I didnt take off for the holiday or anything like that but I was busy and Just didnt have the time to blog.

I did skip tuesday at PMJC sucked but I felt sick and didnt want to get too run down and didnt want to get the rest of the PMJC team sick.

Wednesday was a kind of easy day at the Y. I started class talking a bit about Jenn's wins in newaza and Brandons Choke. Then we did some Newaza Uchikomi. Cant remember much else

Thursday was a travel and family day. Good times :)

Friday was a Travel and Girlfriend day. Good Times :)

Saturday was about 6hrs of Judo. Good times :)

I started at the country club kinda light workout.. worked taio a lot and ude gaeshi... I fought dan and got a few decent scores in.. then i fought sensei in mat work and did ok.. worked half guard decently for a bit.. eventually passed then got swept and armlocked.. then i worked guard and did ok eventually getting passed and armlocked.

Then I went to PMJC. Great class. I got us there late so it was right into crash pad and then fighting. Joe has been whoopin me good.. i got one good counter but he basically bailed cause of my knee. Thanks! I dont want a knee injury now. then he DUMPED me big with an osoto. I tried to counter.. i figure the more I try to counter his osoto the more Ill be picking up the lil guys in competition.

Fought Chris. F F F F its getting real frustrating... I havent thrown or scored on him in a long time. he got 2 good scores on me. Gripping was ok. I had some good attacks, moving and gripping. I did stop a few of his attacks both front and back.

Fought matt. COuldnt choke him but at least im getting in the right positions.

Fought 1 of the new guys and thats about it.. i need to step it up

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