Thursday, September 27, 2007

Wed sept 26 YMCA

Ok I wanted to get as much cardio type stuff in today and i wanted to get alot of clydes drills in again so people would remember them and we can keep focusing on them. we started with the following partner drills:

attack/counter attack

then we went on to do a bunch of 2min newaza rounds

then a bunch of 1min grip fighting randori

at this point the instructor got to class.. it was about 825 or so.. we talked a lot about some upcoming events and then got back into newaza rounds.. these were nto timed and went much longer.. i went one real long round with stephen.

i think i also went with tim

then we did standing.. i went with a bunch of kids and mike.. not sure about anyone else..

so i really didnt get much in after the drills.. im really liking them and hope to do them at the next workout i have with Matt and tim.

it was cool cause those drills are real new to the YMCA crowd but i could already see some improvements in there randori after doing them.

in other news at west point on oct 27 there is a 2day judo clinic that will focus on partner drills.. strange.. coincidence..who cares it should be awesome.

ive been dieting real hard for the east coasts and im now within 'suana' range. i still want to get abit lower just to make things easier but being this close this far out is nice.. it will allow me to eat better after workouts which makes things much nicer.

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