Monday, August 27, 2007

BJJ Clinic

Ok so I am a Judo guy but I really like BJJ. On Saturday I went to a 4hr BJJ clinic. It was just outside Scranton and it was awesome. I will post some video when I get a chance. The Video will be reviewing the moves we went over at the clinic. It was some nice spider guard passes, some nice open guard passes, quick armlocks and some takedowns for open guard. Great stuff!! Sorry not much detail at this point but when I post the vid I will go into detail. I did get to do a lot of fighting at the clinic and that was real cool.. I got tapped a whole lot by Gregg the guy who ran the clinic and by Brian who Ive trained with before. Brian moved to Kentucky just to train with this guy and Brian improved a great deal. So it was a good warmup.. helped me cut weight and then I headed out to stroudsburg for my next workout.

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