Thursday, November 15, 2007


Ok didnt get much in during class last nite. I had Jen run the warmup while I helped some of the kids with a different warmup becaus they were late. Then I just paired people off and worked on the promotional. We had a new guy on the mat and I taught him osoto and he seemed to grasp it really well.

So everyone did that for about 1hr. Kinda boring but they need to work on there techniques for the test this weekend. Just as I was about to wrap it up and get to fighting the instructor shows up and talks for a bit about the promotional and then reads a bit from Haywards book.

I got 1 fight in with tank and then 1 with brandon. The one with tank was fun and the one with Brandon was nice and long. Im glad I got it in and all i just wish there was more structure to the randori. I wish we knew we were going to go about 8 minutes. Actually i wish all randori was timed. Nice short intense rounds are more beneficial for competitors. Throw in a long round here and there thats fine but at the Y you get paired off andyou have no idea how long it will go. The instructor might be fighting and if he is in a pin or wants to keep going in his match then all matches just run and run and run. He might be talking to someone and lose track of time and things just run and run... I just like to mimic tournaments as much as possible...

anyway it was a good match. I am still trying to play in a style where I am just looking for my throws. I do very little defensive gripping or grip breaking. I dont mind this during the match much but looking back on it at times I feel I should stay focused on grips and defensive a bit more. But at the Y it makes more sense to play and try new things out. Then at PMJC I turn it up a bit to match the style going on there. Im not saying this to take anything away from Brandon. He got a bunch of good throws in Some were nicely timed and took advantage of the wrong things I was doing. Some he forced and was just so committed that I got thrown. All good.. im glad I can learn from this. At times it is more frustrating to not get thrown. But the quick recap is that Brandon got taio, guruma gake, makikomi?,seonage w/leg trap, seo/kouchi, sumi gaeshi. Not bad for a yellow belt.. I got mine in too.. i got seo,kouchi,guruma gake, foot sweep, kosoto gake. I was happy that when I did my kouchi's they worked.. I need to use this more it makes seonage a lot easier when Im throwing kouchi.

tonite we have a basketball fundraiser thing where we are playing the state troopers in a game of bball. AFter that we are doing a Judo demo and who knows what else...Not sure when my next Judo workout will be. I Do need to start getting 2 workouts in aday more and more.. Ive been slacking with that and sleep and it starts to take its toll. I really want to be ready for Tony Camals tournament in December.

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