Tuesday, November 20, 2007



Chris couldnt make it but had a real good reason. He went to be Uke for His brothers Shodan kata examination. Chris Rules and so does his brother Tommy.

WIth that in mind I was just gonna run a typical PMJC workout. Not a typical judo workout, not a typical YMCA workout and not even a typical workout that I would run. It went as follows:

Newaza uchikomi: Clock Choke / British Strangle
Newaza Randori: about 5 3 min rounds
CrashPad / Uchikomi: about 5-10 mins of each (split class in half)
Randori: everyone got about 5 3 min rounds

I liked the techs we did in newaza and want them to be like 2nd nature to me.

I did good in newaza randori.

Crash Pad was fun.

Randori I was flat not hitting many throws when I really wanted... kinda in a randori slump right now :(

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