Tuesday, October 2, 2007


mmmm interesting class some good stuff some not so good.

anyway East coasts is on saturday. not much time left. If things were up to me i would train my techniques that i am going to use doing lots of movement and get a lot of reps in. then i would do some grip fighting and some randori. all very intense and with short time intervals. that is a proven way to peak before an event. keep the intensity high and the duration short.

however as things go i was not in charge so i really had no say.

first i had to teach falling to the kids and to some new adults. the kids are getting it and the adults new. again not what i would do before a tournament.

i also had to take a bunch of falls from the new guys... yeah i love that.. wait no i dont. reasons might not be what you expect. i can say it had nothing to do with taking falls per se. i can take them.. i can take them well. i can make the thrower look good. as to why it did bother me... well thats a GGJCT secret

i did that and then the instructor talked to the class for a while.

finally i got paired up with tim and we were told to work on what we needed to for the tournament. most of the class just started uchikomi. cant blame them but me and tim took it differently and started doing all the movement drills we had being doing at the Y while i ran class. again everyone else was doing static uchikomi for the most part.. some were working combos...again i dont feel its as beneficial to be doing static uchikomi the week b4 a big tournament.

we worked on counter atttacks, counters, combos, etc. we were just about to do gripfighting but didint get to.

randori. i knocked out someones tooth last nite.. i felt real bad. i knocked out Doc Georges tooth. I feel bad. he is a professional and doesnt need that..and at the time it got to him.. so again i felt bad. ok well a few things were worth mentioning from this fight. george is good and i didnt throw him or if i did it was small nothing good. i did have an armlock in newaza but not sure about it .. anyway i didnt get thrown and had good gripping.. but couldnt really set up attacks either.. kinda a stalemat and i would say george did a great job... he is really coming along.. i hope he sticks with it and trains more and competes more.

fought vito. he played real defensive. or at least thats how it seemed.. cant blame him.. he might have just wanted to focus on that or might not have wanted to get thrown by me.. he did good too. and stuffed a bunch of my attacks.

then i fought dana not much to say she had some nice combos she just needs to commit more.. i had some nice kosotos against her that i need to work on more.

hmmmm.... thats how i felt about the workout.. again i wish it was a bit more focused on the competitors or was more a competition style workout but oh well.. not much to say.

tonite is at PMJC so that will be awesome.. cant wait.

1 comment:

Shadow728Reborn said...

not so much that I wasnt trying to get thrown, it's just that I have a hard time when someone blocks my right shoulder, even with my lefty seoinage. I don't like breaking the grip either, because it feels like im open for an attack during the transition. It's a sequence that I have trouble with, happened to me at the last tourney too, and I just kinda froze with it. definetally need to work on some lefty v. righty grip sequences before this tournament. Better workouts to come