Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Tuesday BJJ and Judo

Thanks for reading and as usual you can find more info at

Ok well first I am going to start a video technique series very soon.  Going to be shot and produced by a very talented videographer.  That should be cool.

I got a lot of No Gi BJJ in which is always fun and always fustrating.  I went with Franky a lot and I notice some improvements but at the same time he taps me a lot.... a whole lot.  So long as I keep making progress though that is cool with me.  After our 40mins or so of grappling Jeff gave me some really good tips on some of the positions that happened during the rounds.

Then I helped teach the Beginners BJJ class with Jeff and Franky.  I got some rounds in with Jeff and that is just ridiculous I never get anything on him.. anything.  It is cool to notice the few things I do on him that are 'right' because I can learn a lot by how he defends or counters.

After that I taught Judo.  Focused mainly on Kouchi Gari.  Got a lot of randori in as well.  I need to get more uchikomi in for myself :)

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