Wednesday, September 26, 2007

Best Saturday ever

Ok this is super late but I needed to get back into blogging again

anyway September 22 was a great day. tons of judo

started out at clydes and it was a great workout. he showed me some drills that i have never done before and they were great. we did:

speed uchikomi: 10 reps as fast as you can.. partner does 10 repeat
Counter attack: partner attacks.. as he exists you enter for attack ... repeat
combination uchikomi: you attack then follow up that attack
moving uchikomi: moving around trying your favorite throw then partner goes
random uchikomi: clyde would yell out 1 or 2 at random when he yelled your number you attack if he called the other number your partner would attack

then we did newaza, grip fighting, ashiwaza randori and then standing randori

ridiculous the gripping to ashi waza had me pukey..

good stuff

then we ate and drove back to PMJC in stroudsburg and had another workout

this one was killin me but i made it through.

cant remember details but i know i hit a bunch of tegurumas. i need to get these more.

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