PMJC - StroudsBurg Tues 8/21/07
Ok Ill do some introducing of terms, concepts and things like that as I get this blog rolling.
PMJC is the club I train at in Stroudsburg. I go down there with some of my training partners for
So last nite it was Chris, the instructor, Me, Tim, Joe, Matt, Vito, Tony. All good guys and good players too.
Last nite we warmed up and went straight to the crash pad. A crash pad is like a gymnastics landing mat and it allows you to practice your throws with full force and most of the time your partner feels nothing.. most of the time.
Anyway I worked some Seonage off a 2on1 grip, some Kouchi and Uchimata. I think thats all I did on the Crash pad. I might post some info on those throws.. might not...
Then we did some randori.. fighting.. sparring.. whatever you want to call it. Chris set it up like this 2 minute matches standing and groundwork. Winner stays on. Fun.
My first fight was against Chris. I had planned on working Uchimata that night well I was doing decent at gripfighting with Chris but made a big mistake and came in for Uchimata without really breaking balance and got countered.. big.. suplexed like right on my noggin. game over for me.
I think I fought Joe next. A lot of my stuff wasnt really working at first but my gripping was good. Got a good Seonage off a Jeon style grip break. He controlled my right arm I do 2 quick fake grip breaks towards my face and the third I just drop in for Seonage.
I wont be able to recall all the fights and what happened.. I just had too many and wasnt thinkin about it at the time.
I did have a lil luck with some Tomonages and I went on a good streak with my left sided Kosoto Gake / Kata Guruma. I hit it like 3x in a row against vito and then got it once good against Tim too.
Great class.. everyone left dead tired and much improved.
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